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Family Promise
of Greater Houston County
Mon-Fri 9:00am-4:30pm
Home location is 2097 US Hwy 41S
Perry, GA 31047

Nicole Rosser, director of Family Promise of Greater Houston County, officially began her duties April 8, 2013. She has been busy developing Community Partners for our Network, interviewing potential guests and coordinating volunteers and host/support congregations. She has been an often requested speaker for church, civic, and community groups. Since July 2013 she has supported over 300 families in securing housing while participating in the program, as well as offering on-going support services. Her office is a beehive of activity. Nicole brought excellent educational credentials to this position. She has a BS in Health Care and an MPA with a concentration in Non-profit and Organizational Management. She has worked in the non-profit sector for 18 years. FPGHC is blessed to have such a compassionate, dedicated director to lead our local network!
Family Promise of Greater Houston County Board of Directors
Nicole Rosser, Executive Director
Board of Directors 2025
Dana Chatman, President
Amy Holbeck, Vice-President
Patricia Lane, Secretary
Ronnie Shivers, Treasurer
Michelle Britt
Dustin Cole
Rayton Sianjinia
Mike Jackson
Angela Anderson
Office Angels
Janet Foskey
Ellie Foss
Carolyn Holmes
June Underwood
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