Family Promise
of Greater Houston County
Mon-Fri 9:00am-4:30pm
Home location is 2097 US Hwy 41S
Perry, GA 31047

Family Promise Volunteer of the Year
We are so excited to present Janet Foskey as our 2022 Volunteer of the Year. Janet’s valuable contributions have been an essential part of the growth of our program since we opened our doors in 2013. You may not have met Janet personally, but it is almost certain you have experienced her contributions in some capacity. As if preparing the Family Promise Newsletter is not enough, she creates our marketing materials, participates in fundraisers, and is an amazing Office Angel. Her attention to detail is impeccable, she is committed, thoughtful, and creative. Janet has been instrumental in helping us develop our brand and to say we appreciate her is an understatement. Janet, we celebrate you not only during the month of April (Volunteer Appreciation Week) but this entire year! We are blessed to have you as a faithful volunteer.